Just reached home. School was great.To be precise, night class was great.haha!
Met Atie and went to school.Came along Danial and Sufiyan.Bringing all their DnT stuffs and hyperly studying and Focusing in completing their task. I STUDIED but the same time, we were all crapping on WORDS.We fought for the Right words! what the hell. Atie and Dan were always on the "Loud side" Whereas me and Sufiyan, just kept quiet.But till "this point" of time, i get my "quiet ass "up and started to bombard as well.haha!
We were crapping on the verb of "singular and Plural!" Here's the conversation :
"Hey, if 'You' use 'i', it must be WAS.Not were. "-Atie
" NO!, it IS WERE"-Danial
"Yup! You're right!"-Azura
"NO!'I' must be WAS CANNOT be WERE!"-Atie
" Ah ah lah! maner leh WERE!"-Danial
"Mr Dubey! help us in these and ...."-Azura
" Mr Dubey, yes..when YOU use I, it CANNOT be WERE"-Mr Dubey said
so i fight for my WORD by saying, both can as long as you know the context of the sentence structure.
" let me ask you, which of this would you use?
if I WERE or if I WAS...haha!" - i giggled!
Mr Dubey smile and he said, Oh yar, YOU CAN use BOTH!
I won!! ahhahaha!! everyone Laughed!
Then, came Faizal..with his tired and 1/2 dead look...sat down and started joining our craps.Whereas Sufiyan was so into his "DnT".Good boy! ahha!
Not after a min and so, we laughed again and it happened for several minutes. By then, it was already 8 30. Study for a moment or so and left.
Not forgetting...thanks alot to Atie's Picnic Food. There WERE so many food. We ate and ate. Chocs, and sweets and biscuits and bla bla bla. Thanx for the SweTT talk too yar. haha!
bla bla bla...
* Im "Flunking" my Chemistry Test!.. I'm so sure about that.I'd studied but nothing goes through my mind! All the best for Chem test to ME! =D
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