Sunday, January 08, 2006

Fresh Background

Im done with my "everything skin".
Did it today morn, while doing my maths revision.

Thought of continuing it but my something arose.
I didn't know what's with my eyes and back.Haiz. Told my dad bout it and he gave my 200 bugs just to do a spect by TUESDAY and to consult a doctor.What an ___.I don't like wearing spect.Since young, i'd made more then 3, 4, spect and all were missing. Doctors?...nah, thanks alot for that.

Just need a lil' break for my body, because of 1/2 day out yesterday nite.
Went to bed the earliest time i culd ever imagine. 8 9 +.

Bro, went to religious class, sis and mum went to town, to get bags and shoes or whatever it called. Didn't follow em, due to the long hours of journey and i just can't bear it.

Tomorrow will be a NO play day, and had to start waking up before October ends. No comp, no outing, no lazing around, summuries it, NO unnecessary thing.

Tuesday, hari raya haji.Would be another lazing around day for me.
Mum would be very busy thinking of what to cook and stuff.Haiz.

Till here...i'm blank of what to rte.
So long.`


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