Friday, November 18, 2005

black, white, grey...i want to be grey.

These pic that i'd post symbolises lots and lots of thing in my mind at these point of time.
let me relate this to real life.
In life, you will experience dark and brightness.
It's true that some of you might thing that this is stupid and rte, i wuld agree to it too.
BUT, what i feel is...
In life you experience sorrow and hardship.
The black background shows it.
The shineness that is in the middle of the pic symbolises that happiness.
And happiness can only come about when u craft it and the person holding the camera shows that.
The plants at the side on the layered of the black background symbolises that the things and people around you may not be the person who shaped your happiness. It's YOU and only YOU. The reflection, shows that what YOU see through is only The physical not ur true self.
The pic consist of black and white.
But have you ever notice the colour GREY?...You see what you can see.

yea ROCK BRO, i guess u r on the right track.
WOLFGANG, read my first line.
It's true. But, competitive. Be original aite?.
She rocks and better than You could think off.

So, all the very best.

I just thought that the moment i told you about 'kumpulan' could just be wiped out from the time machine.
I should not tell you. It's a wr0ng time, wrong situation, wrong these and that. But like you say 'everything happens for a reason'. I know and i respect that.

I lied to myself because everything need sacrificies.
yeah..i don't know myself real well.
I don't know who i AM and WAS.
All i know WAS i used to be a rugged and 'heck kere' peep.
But currently, i felt as though that my legs as taken over my head.
I don't know how i feel towards a friendship and IN a friendship.

You said it. Direct and indirectly. I appreciate it.
But the bottom line is..can it last?...

nah..forget all these craps.

Find the colour GREY and you will know what the future is like.


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