It must have been my luck...Grr...
Started of with bad beginning of the week. Yea right.
I wasn't even sure why do i have to suffer severely, in the Mrt, in School Lecture, during Lunch Time, Out of Mrt, while walking home, in the bus and at home. This is why i was retarded-emotionally for these past few days. Sorry to have offended many of you, indirectly.
Pls don't mind my this section of my post:
I wish i have a SUPER POWER to demolished THAT GUY. Firstly, I felt offended. Secondly, after his Actions, i really do feel that i hate being one NON-BLIND person. Thirdly, if i have the will, I WOULD have kill him. Lastly, Get rid of MARRIED-THINK-HIS-THE-BIGGEST-GANGSTER-MAN on earth.
This is what happen. OK people, get this straight,i'm a MALAY even IF i don't look like one. Ass. I was in the Train heading to school that morning and as soon as people alighted at Kranji, i found myself a seat. When the train stopped at woodland, there was this couple with their kids boarded the train and you see, they think that they were some kind of Prince and Princess, attracting attentions to the people to give his beloved wife a seat. "
LIKE HELLO, she's pregnant? like for how many month? 7, 8, or 9?!" Seriously, i couldn't even see her bulging tummy and he claimed that she was pregnant. So what if she is, its like you should kindly approach in a nicer manner if you want to ask for seat. How ridiculous could that be. Thereafter, an old man with a walk stick boarded the train at Admiralty, and yeap, expected, i gave my seat to the Old man. You know what happen? The TATTOOED guy pull his about 8 yrs old son and told me to seat at my place. Without any hesitation, i got up with all my gut and told him that the spared seat was to be given to the old man. KNOW what he said?! WITHOUT LOOKING AT ME and with all his freaking ass Sarcasms "Orang sini sumer mata buta KAPA, orang ngah ngandong mata rabun KAPA, tak tahu bagi dudok?!" and... he continued " Bobal leh haos ar!, ye lar, kalau dah sama orang omputih mesti ar kasih Cina dudok. Melayu ader aper?!". I WAS THERE, HOPING THAT I COULD BASH HIM!
Argh. Im super pissed of! Just because of your tatooed and your whatever pathetic deeds you do towards other, bare in mind, 'you wife is pregnant!'.I hope Your say is not Your Prayer. Or Else, i pity your wife. Im chilled.
Still, i have my dignity and MANNERS.Thank You. MISSING MY BREAKFAST:
Was late cause have to wait for T-qah and i miss my Breakfast again! I want the Hotcakes at Mcdonald. Damn. Im craving for it. In school Lectures:
Wouldn't have to say much, i was wondering if lecturers are paid for their job. If they do, pls, kill me. What's the use of having a teacher when got questioned back by him when we ask him question. Let's take for example my DEP lecturer. Useless. We are our own teacher. Could care more. Whatever.SLEEPING AT POND:
I'm left with no choice. I slept early at 8pm sharp and i was late for school TODAY. i was suppose to left home for school at 7am and haha, i woke up at 6:45 -6:50. Approx after adding and minus-ing, i've slept 10 an 50 min. (subtract from liana and raudha's conference call for 10 mins.) yeap. thats about it. And today during lecture, my eyes were almost shut, but thank to the eyeliner, it does help to widen my already big size. Thank you. 2 Project DONE. Phew. and left with MULTI-SOLUTION. haiz. is there no other solution for me to refer or anything?! damn. Had my lunch and without expecting, Tqah suggested to go to the pond cause she wanted to have a break. So, halifah and i went and haha, the breeze and the sound of water fountain just got me snoring. No lah, just kept my eyes close for about half an hour. How nice. Then woke up and Headed for next class. =)
Apology to Gila-Geng:
So sorry people. I left with no trace. Actually i did. I sent you ppl a sorry message. I was super tired and yet again I KNOW you people are tired too. My body just wont allow me to push it further. It already to the limit. My throat is aching and i pitied it, he's shouting "i wanna slp". Yeap, so i have to give it a break. If i were to go for D.K, i'm being unfair to it. Poor Boy. Sorry again ok?! Hash, Lili, Roar, Wani, Nana, aku minta maaf byak byak . Aku serious. Lain kali aku promise aku Gi. Love you all. =)
Tqah and Halifah:
Tqah, im really sorry to hear the news about your dad. Despite of all odd, i believe that your father will be fine. You take care ok. Need not worry too much on the Project. I would try to handle it as much as i could, first., haha,
Went to TTSH ready? Hope you're not lost in there cause i have difficulty gg to sgh Alone too. Take care and anything, beep me. 24/7. Love you so very much.Halifah, dont feel guilty ok? i understand. haha. lah, its ok to lie, just LIE MORE ok?! HEAVENLY NO! hahaha.
Thanks for listening out. Lu gerek lah sista! ahha =)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Belated Birthday Post. Alright, this post is for An. Happy Belated birthday. Aloha! You're 18. haha. =) All the very best in you future en devours, be a good son, brother and friends. May all your dreams come true (even though it's possibility is 1%) and all the best in the years ahead.=) Small gift with big thoughts. Just a cake for you on ur bdae! haha =) Take Care buddy. =D
Thursday, November 22, 2007
OK, people have been urging me to update. Ok! i will...even though i have tons of assignments to do. *AZURA! take a break, will you!?*
Ok, hows school? Oh my! its perfect! haha! Aint kidding alrite. I just love these days. Bother to ask why? If soo..Its Because... I get to me My Gila- Geng Everyday. haha! Not forgetting, my only one BIG sista, Halifah fahfah and small lil sista, Tqah! (SISTA!!- The Materialistic tone. hehe). Its like every-day,i get to see Hash, Tqah,Raudah,Baby,Mim,Wani,Papa! and few others. I feel so blessed when i get to see you people, cause you have never failed to show me your sincerest smile. Thank you. =)
In class, thanks to fahfah and tqah to layan my EVERYDAY-DIFFERENT-MOOD crap. Alrite, since i have nothing to say, i'll briefly describe to my fellow readers what's the MOOD all about. ahha!
Let's take for example:
- Monday= I'll go to school with an ALL-BLACK EMOSHIT Theme. And throughout the day, you can see my EMO*shit* behavious. No matter what, it's still nice and Sweet!! ahha.
- Tuesday= Neat, nice and ladylike Theme. Aint kidding. All joke contents are randomly Matured
- Wednesday= CCA cum a total havoc materialistic/bratzy theme. MCG top and Black jeans. (50% of the crew wore that. SEMANGAT!)
- Thurdays= Army, Baggy-Heran tak Heran Theme! Yeap, it's so like TODAY. Im so messy today. Physical and mental! haha =P
- Friday= ?? Wait...Watch...and ...Learn.. muaha!
I can imagine, we stayed back today, practise and improve our PITCH! (majulah singapura!)haha. okok.NEXT PROBLEM........
.......Should i Go.....?
Fine, Whatever ... =D SMILE!
end of with...
*his voice is so super nice.................* nah!! ahha
[ros jgn ketawer kalau nmpk ni yer =D]
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
TAG REPLIES: ros: hello kakak!!!hehehex...btw, pocong tu sape??20 Nov 07, 14:39 REP: Helloa adek nana! POCONG? ntah .. tapi confirmnyer manusia ar. kause dier tahu type. =P |
20 Nov 07, 14:01 hamberg: you were awesome la!! and we all agreed that you look super gorgeous in that baju kurung, or kebaya?? i dont know the difference really...REP: haha!thnx you so very much yeap. thank u so much for coming. you guys look kewl that day too. super hot n spicy! ahhaha! =P |
20 Nov 07, 09:31 Idah: semua pantun2 nampak. hee. ILY nora!!REP: haha! yeap ILYT! pantun! kate MCG. hehe! |
19 Nov 07, 20:52 Orked: Nice rite the hair. hehehe.REP: haha. yeap . totally . thnx to abang. haha =D |
19 Nov 07, 17:36 tqah: i love yaREP: I <3> |
19 Nov 07, 17:05 pocong: tuai padi antara masak esok jgn layu-layuan....intai kami antara nmpk.esok jgn rindu rinduanREP: Eh pocong! pandai pantun nmpak! jealous manusia disini. haha! |
19 Nov 07, 16:40 tqah: senyum nmpk...senyum nmpkREP: wei! takleh ker? senyum makes you younger! |
19 Nov 07, 15:51 hash: hahaha.. wah, zura peminat byk sei... ratu hatiku la, sampai terbayang2kan wajah kau.. ishk, tk menjadi nie.. huahuahuaREP: byk peminat ? sudah tentu . kau pon termasuk fan aku kan?! hahahahha! BUdak yang tgh tu jambu ar! leh thn! hahaha |
19 Nov 07, 14:51 Jannah: di kala malam...wajahmu ku terbayang....di kala siang...wajah jiranmuku ku terkenangREP: haha! jannah ke raudha?! bunga2 konfirm raud! |
19 Nov 07, 14:47 Liana: sedang ku duduk di hadapan splash and decker. da ketawa sehingga terbahak bahak. kaulah. yang mendengar nilai ketawakuREP: kau duduk aku pon ngah gelak gelak ni. haha! "tqah ngan hashimah fb nmpak?!" |
19 Nov 07, 14:46 Tqah: unwind and chill out wif lemonadeREP: ye lar tu! dasar....... |
19 Nov 07, 14:46 Liana: yg sudah tu sudah mari kita bergembiraREP: stop it eh korng! hahaha. pnat sak aku nak rep ni tag! |
19 Nov 07, 14:45 rAuDHa: engkau laksana bulan...tinggi di atas kayangan....REP: tinggi nampak tinggi nampak! hahahah! |
19 Nov 07, 14:44 Liana: AZURAAAAAAAAA. engkalauh ratu hatiku. Bila ku menggila. engkau berada di sisiku. zura..zura.. engkaulah ratu hatikuREP: haha! kau pon ratu hatiku. Queen of asal boleh! YOU ALL GEREK AR! CAYA! =) |
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Eraya Antarabangsa
Alhamdulilah. Thank to our greatest god for the successful show on Friday night. I will definitely keep this as memory...
Firstly i would really like to thank to the Dearest people who came down to watch the show especially my family, Dad, Mum, Kak, Friends, (in no particular order of favoritism), Khad, Nurul, Aifah, Muhader,Halifah, Idah, Syakira, Hanisah, Mahira, Syakira, Shaqilah, Ilham, Fadlul, Syera + Stagearts Friends and etc. =) Thank you very much Jannah for giving me the opportunity to be on stage, Fadhil and Seniors for the non-stop motivations, pushing me to the limits. For those unsincere motivation of bestest fake expression, i will sincere accept it with all my hearts. Thank You too. For those who wished me all the very best, be it, friendster, email, handphone, after show, thank you Atie, Hatiqah, Rose, Yazid (for the non-visualise banner), Grandmum and aunts, thank you so very much. Fadhil and wirna, thank you for those SWEET sweet. Thank you.Thank you for believing in me despite the fact that i have never done or showed good head start during practices. I take things lightly and not seriously. However, after 15 - 1 times performing in theater stage(after naqiah's count), i perfectly knew that i'l do well in the actual day. I hope i did and i had fun performing. =D
Before the show, i told myself that i would do well, and not let ANYONE down. I knew exactly who i was performing for and im going to entertain the audience like how i wanted to be entertained.I hope i did good and i was really pleased to here few comments by dearest friends, classmates and in fact, audience thought about the show. Overall, give urself a big round of applause ok? =)
I've uploaded the pic, and yeap, happy with the pic. Thank you so much kakak, Idah, Halifah, Hasyimah, and few others for the nice pics of the productions. =D
Jannah: Thank you so much. If you are reading this, i would really loved to say that you have done an ultimately great job. Sometime people direct plays just for show, but you directed for perfection. Its hard to come out with the script and when i first saw the script, i knew that many wouldn't like it, but i knew that if we believe in the script and make it alive, it's way better then just GD comment. You did it and ur effort paid off. I LOIKE! its all about BRATTITUDE! ewah! haha. KAK jannah, SAYANG KAMU! =D
To Gila-Geng: You gals gerek to the max. Throughout the camp, you people jer lah yang jadi motivator aku. Mandi nak same2x, Makan , nak together-gether, Gambar nak amek same2x, joget, gelek2x together, rock and rap, semuer nyer seakan, sama. haha. You guys are everything to me MCG. Without korang, aku ngat aku lari jer kat FB. haha. Thank you ok?! I looooove you all tersangat! Love, Atiqah alongku, Nana, Adik ku, Syimah, Sachek Giler ku seluruh dunia, Wani, ibu angkatku, Raudha, teman complain mengomplain and citizen achehku =P, baby, Baby ku! ewah! dan liyana Bikini, Stop! kau lah yang mencuri hatiku! ahhahhaha! =) Thank you all ye!! syng korng to the max! =D
To the people behind backstage: Thank to you all!! Pasal kamu semuer lah saya dpt lampu spotlight, que yag btol, sound yang dapatkan mood, dan bermacam macam lagik! thank you.
To Acting Partner:Ros [Nana]: Adikku, lu gerek lah. Takder problem acting dgn kamu. Aper yang saye ckp ni semuernyer ikhlas. Takder prob and we are so simple yet perfect. =) thank you so much to be such a sista! haha =D
Aidil [khai]: wohoho.. you want me to shine kan? did i? well, thats the best i can do on actual stage. Thank you for your motivations and patience. I learnt lots of thing throughout the process of dancing with you (even though its only for a short time). I got to know my weakest point along with few others. Thank you khai. Thank you so much.
Aten[leha]: Wei, thank you for you octopus act. ahha! i did overcome it ok! ahha =P well, seperti biaser, ,lu gerek. dan seperti biaser, kau mesti jadi lakon partner aku! kenaper ni? ader aper hal kau ngan aku?! haha. ewah! aten thank for everything. =)
To ky and Insyirah: Thank you all for the effort. korang lah yang susah payah, ambil berat pasal baju baju yang aku pakai. Ader ke takder, korang lah yang tolong aku. Thank you so very much. In, thanks for the quick change, at least, when you're around, ppl especially the ladies, feel secure time nak change clothes. Thank you all!
Just showing few scene that i acted in: Enjoy!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Out to nowhere...
(believe me, byk yang akan teraser kalau bace)
Its all in your mind. Opps, EYES, i mean. Dearest people, let me just quote a phrase that was said by my current inspired person, "your eyes, tell us everything. Whether or not you are sincere, faking, lying, keen, or anything about Anything.".
Well said. You see, firstly, to Dearest External Fam, you don't have to put on a beautiful masquerade if you hate existence. I don't asked for much. I only asked for a sincere smile. If you think you don't want to smile, then just give me a stucked up face. We'll or let just say, ME, will leave that place. SOON. =) Hmm, Gd acting. Bravo. (when im putting on my earpiece and pretending to be miming to songs, doesnot mean there's song played. Instead, i heard whats that to be heard. ).
Dearest Frens, i know its sound radically stupid, but, i dno if there's such a person feeling bad rite now. Alrte, if you don't feel like talking to me cause you think i have my own clique and you find me stuck up, dont bother giving me an unsincere smile.I dont need it. Im sorry to say, but if you think, im IGNORANT, then i trully am. . Shut all your nice-sweet little concern. Keep to youself kause i dont need anymore actors around me. Ok? I care for people who care for themselves before caring for others. and.. if you hate me for no reason, go get yourself a glass of water, seat down peacefully and pray hard so you'll be cool down in no time. Thank you very much.
To stop my brain from filling another bottle of stressed juice, i went to Bugis with kakak, and thnx godness, i felt a total relieved. Away from home and School. YAY! How i wished i can go out to nowhere and never comeback home. Ok, went to bugis, and decided to get myself a gio shirt. There was 30% off discount worldwide of smthng. However, the moment i went in to see the shirt, i saw mardiana and aha! my old friend. I was glad to see her after half a year mia. yeap. I wasn't close to her in sec school but we were gd in Student Leader Board. Hmm, She was having her attachment there and i have no idea why there was such an attachment. Who cares, she's healthy and haha, shorter then me. =) ok. all thebest and see ya soon.
Thank to sis for treating me BK french Chicken meals and haha. Gd thing i decided to accompany you to Central Lib.
Ok. Check this webby :
Go to top Rated and View 'Jacky'.
Beat box competition and Hey bro you ken do it. All the best for upcoming comp at amk hub!Way to go!
Ok. People. Love and smile!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Audition Day =D
Training for Production was alright. We did half dress and yeap, it was way better than the other days. I guess, all of us got the hang of it and we were able to bring our characters well. Great Job people. =)
After Training, went to Joo Chiat for Casting Auditions. Thank you so very much to RYA'S parents for sending us there. Thank you so very much. Ok, here, i have alot of things to say. I'll definitely say everything in PRECISE. Well, we went there in small group, which includes wani, raudha, rya, ros, tqah, liana baby, shimah and myself. Upon arriving, we could feel as though there were dragons in our stomach.haha! we went to the place and jeng jeng, captured our mood.Darn funny. We were all so hyper that we were really FRIENDLY while we were talking to the person whom we first met. (thank go im a good gurl) . And guess what?
the First Person we saw was...THE DIRECTOR. aha. Bromo. =) He was really inspiring and i got INSPIRED by him. I swear.
Ok. Here i go. We were first given an application form to fill in and haha! rya and raudha, ASM was the first two person who got so hyped-up and filled in the forms. =)Check this pic out!See!i told you! haha. i have tons of Proof to show how excited they were. =P Next was Baby, Hasyimah and Tqah. These people were really cute cause, firstly they pretended that they wouldn't want to act BUT BUT BUT, haha! there were the first few to act! kiuTT to the max. As for Ros and Myself, we were the last peep to fill up the forms. haha. I was thinking that i should go there and clap for them. haha. but it turned out the other way. We were given Script and were asked to memo on thespot. Let me tried recaping the script ok?
Jangan Sekali abang paling lagi pada maksod kehidupan abang."



This one, sweety lil WIFEY. haha! very soft and kiutt.Commented that her role and tone was very mono tone.but believe me, she did wel!! bravo!

Baby, did well too. Infact! everyone.

Raudha, Rya and myself was given another New script and were asked to act with Efin SSP/Danielle, Ariff SSP/Actor, Irwan / Danielle 'Ellyas'. First pair was, Irwan and Raudha, then Efin and Rya, Ariff is with me.
Then there were another 2 actor and WANI! how ken we said 'THAT' about them! nak terkekek aku!
After everyone has done their part, I was asked to shoot another scene with irwan. I was reallly 'wth' that time BUT, i was force to do it. I was down kause i was said that "you did well, tapi buang sikit experience and intonasi theater". Argh! aku dah lamer budak teater, tu psl. sobs. The last scene took a long time cause, haha! i got a tough lesson by Director Bromo. (haiz) He pushed me to the limit. I swear. I didn't know that he's really mean! haha. (he's good kause he motivates me! =D). He knew and reveal my WEAKEST POINT. damn. This time, it was an act of husband and wife helping each other BUT with the feel of REAL husband and wife. I COULDN'T do it. I was off set , and he told me "Why are you out of my set? I want you to be in MY set. Now, Hurry up. Im going to push you now.". I was freakingly was asked to hold irwan hands and looked into his eyes assuming that we were husband and wifes. ARGH! i didn't look into his eyes . =S haha. I was off set for 3 times and the very last time, Bromo, came over to rilax me and he told me to be focused. Irwan, rilax me and we started. I couldn't help myself but lol thruout the time. Sorry irwan. really sorry. The rest was laughing. You ppl were very bad ok! But, after he knew i was stressed, he stop the take and IM DONE.
Thank you so much for believing in me. I will always keep this in mind.
Thank You so much. I will def ask for help after you go come back from singapore from K.L.
Thank You all.

Thank you rya for eveyrthing =D
Friday, November 09, 2007
I was in a cab sitting next to mum. Dad was in the front seat and sis seated at the right hand corner. Looking through the window, i wished a shooting star might just appeared. It didn't happened. I wasn't dampened by my unrealistic thought cause, mum and dad were good to me. At first, I declined their offer to eat outside but my heart changed after few thoughts in mind. In the cab, i do have problems with my eyes, cause tears were really hyper and it wanted to run around the track of my eyes. I guess, i was wondering when this fam 'gathering' would be likely to take place again.
Dearest Nurul Wrap, and Shaqilah Fbodz.
Happy birthday to the both of you. im really sorry that i couldn't go for both of your bdae celeb. I have something on and really wished you gals all the best , gd health and smile always. =)
ps: Dearest ppl, i will promise to:
- smile.
- gain back my 4 kg
- Patient
- do well in production
- not to RE-mix probs
- do well in school
- be a good friend, SISTER and DAUGHTER
Thank You.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Just came home from raya production and would really Thank you muhader and khad for picking me up from school and sent me home. Thank you so much. Hey khad, i have alot to tell you, but, let chill first ok? =) We'll plan for nurul's bdae nites out soon. SOON.
Raya Production, Jannah, i'm really Sorry if you are mad at all of us for giving such a horrible work. I was assure that i did my partially-best in me for just now trg. I did have fun and i really noted the mistake i made and the areas which i shall improve.
"l'm willing to be happy since i was given a chance to be an adult. Thank you.
You allow me to be an adult when i was only 17 and giving me obvious options in life.
If only you could see and feel how i'm feeling right now, i hope you took back all your words for one more time.
Whatever you say i'll accept. I'll just pretend to be mute, deaf, and blind.
I hereby pronounce, when the day comes, when you leave, im willing to live with him.
Thank you mum.Your memory lives on.
My hart is drenching."
Other problems that are arousing around me be it, jealousy, love, like, fame, popularity, or anything by its own definition,
|I Just want to smile! Thank you|
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Marc Anthony's song - I am humming to while writing this post .Just so you know, i love the words and melody. Since I had'nt be so Alive, I couldn't explain my on smile.But, who cares. I love the song.
Alrte. People went blogging and bloghopping to see photos of yesterday Pusake Seni Raya outing right? haha. Yeap, i have uploaded it on multiply. Please click HERE for pic.
OK, yesterday, met Ros and Hasbi at Jurong East and off to Pasir Ris. We were late cause of the wrong time check of the schedule. Upon heading to Raudha's house we decided to redirect our route and headed to Liana Baby[''s House instead. We were back of time, and to make things easy, Liana house was of first house. Yeap yeap, Before proceeding to my long entry, Syukur Alhamdullilah cause, most of the houses that we went, food was sincerely served to us. Thank You so very much. To Raudha,Liana, Wani, An, Jannah, Mim, Syimah, Khai, Elly, Ky, Hasbi, Ros, all yang bukak rumah for us, Terima Kasih tersangat, i really appreaciate it. =)
I did have fun yesterday at the raya outing. Certainly. Even if i wasn't that hyper, inside of me, my heart was jumping. My just- recovered tummy, was giving me few prob. So i decided to care for it more then i care for the people who are surrounding me. Wow, yesterday was definitely an eye opener for me. Eye opener for me to see and learn about people. ahha! Not much of a lesson, but now, i can understand my ps friends better. Thank you. =)
Well said and let the pic do the talking ok? =) loves it. =D
K. Enjoy People! =D
Friday, November 02, 2007

Went home after a long day of school and yeap, '50cent' made my each and Everyday.I was having serious trouble to call someone to tell him about the raya outing. Let me tell you this, i took 15 mins, like from lecture all the way to mrt platform! haha. Hey peep! u dared me and finally! i did it. phew. I have no idea why i was really troubles then. haha! back to 50 cents! not talking about the 50 cent coin but the two charlie angels like what all my lecturer will call us. haha! (dari pade ngjk-minahs! haha!)We were in the mrt and without having to disguise, we joked around-healthily when we talked about what happened in mcg Training the other day. It was super hilarious that i stop after a continuous laugh. I dont want to see my jaw get distorted.=)
(50cent power- Fah,Tqah,Zura)
Catch some sleep after i reached home and wake up to complete assignmentS. Yeap, Riddles....what do you call a person who design ONE design for 3-4 hours.? Physco?Lazy person? Too hard working? anymore?.. Nope... They are known as GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Yeap, thats what i'm learning now. NOW. Haiz. My back is aching due to that. Who cares, i'm happy with the final outcome. Its not easy ok? Im talking about Adobe Illustrator not Photoshop. Hmm. As i was reading the Visual Design Book, I got hooked on it and liked it. I'll be doing vector and hopefully, pop-art soon! Superb!

Rest and chatted with few mates in msn. As always. Apologised to Khai cause of an unpredictable outcomes from the 'family committee' about the raya outing. Well, mum, dad, i TOTALLY understand. (w.e.m). I really appreciate your work on taking time to changed and redoing it again and again. trully sorry. tqah, umah anda pon tak boleh? haiz. Yeap, Chatted with few peeps and haha! i smiled kause i find that whatever we were doing was very lame! so pri school. tts from hasbi. U see, when we rest, doesnt mean we need to sit or slp. chatting is always one way to distress ur self, getting hyped up and then you can continue with your work. Like theres tons of work and you couldnt be duing all day long. What more stupid is, the assignment were given only a day or two to hand in and the funny part was, the class starts at 8 SHARP.

Adding to committment in CCA, it gives me more workload. When class ends at 6, assignment to be handed the day after at 8, cca ends at 10 thus,...i have nothing to say but just bear it. I'd never complain of tired. But Sleepy, Yeap. Ok, fine. I m done with work. DONE.
My source of energy for the whole day is, NYP Cold, Cofee W MIlk, Cappucino or Nescafe. Tqah, we need that for tomo! so is E-8!
Off to sleep. Bye.T.c.