Emo for a while can?
I <3 MICKY. just an idiot confession. opps.xD BUT YEA! I DID.
OKay, shall concentrate on School and Production and Fb.
I miss my fb Peeps. (Laksa Crew, DBSK Crew, Senior and all.)
I can't go for FB this Thurs nor Fri.
I have Big Production to attend. dammit.
I'm looking forward to see the Edited Overall work on the Prev. prod.
Thank to Director , Soundman, And Crews for it. =)
Here's the PIC. UPDATED PIC:
During, After Scene
Gerald, Mediacorp 8 Actor. recog him? haha.
Adriano. campus superstar Parti. haha. kewl hairstyle. I like. =)
Beloved Wrappy Sis. hmm. Wer;s the other 2!!!! =(
MCG Production.
one day down. 2 Days to go.
We can make it. Aja Aja Hwaiting! (Jia You. just KOrean version. haha.)
Booked 5 + 3 Tix. Hope you peeps ken make it. hmm.
Thankfully Yazid came today. Great lah, at least, he's updated and yea, i don't have to be so panicked.
I know on actually day, many things can happen, but really praying, that we can put a good show.
Those who are sick, pls take care okay. I'm having a sorethroat! haha!
i know i didnt do much of voice projecting. But this is due to the "healing" fever of mine that i had few days back.
I know few of you might not even know that i'm sick. haha! nah,im not sick lah. Im Too strong to be sick.
I need my ferrous Tablet for goodness sake. haha. tts it.
alrte, it 4 am! haha. kewl isnt it. I like. Gtg. Tara. Take care ppl.
Enjoy !
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