Sunday, September 10, 2006

First And foremost, i would like to wish Siti Khadijah K. a very Happy Birthday!

hmm...she's 16.AT LAST. haha.Im sure there are many other things that a 16 years old teenager can explore. Not much actually. Was kind of disappointed yesterday. Hmm.Didnt get to go out with the birthday girl. Others were TOO busy with their things and so got to cancel all plans. Btw, i hope your outing with Chap700 was great. =>.

Hmm.Was in a sudden depression yesterday.Not knowing why. I got myself 'quiet' because others were to busy with their probs. So after studying ss and M.t, i'd decided to go out. Unexpectedly, mum wanted to tag along and so we went to catch a movie, Little man. haha.KiuTT story. It was NC 16 but i really thing it should be G category story because there was nothing 'unusual' about the story.Seriously.
Went to eat and off..

Sister was having so much fun.She went to her friends birthday and yeap, went home at almost 1. Dad didn't say a word.That's like so not fair.hmm.I don't care either.Before going out, i remember dad was venting his anger about my sis to me. I was so , 'in court'.Haiz. He scolded as if i was in wrong.Whatever lah. I left and walk out of the house.haiz.

Reach home, and started to continue with the Diplomacy and Deterrance Chapter. Was sick and tired of reading. Im giving up on History and Social Studies.Yea.OK.Got essays to do. Till next time. Tara.

*It's been a year, 365 days?.Wow. I thought i was suppose to be a 367 days. That's kewl.
"365 day6...i" =>


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