Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Early to bed, early to rise.

Haha. Hell no. Somehow, that doesn't apply to me at all. (Well, Yes for Kon. =D)

I was really lazy get up from bed even after Tqah messaged me 'ZURA!!! BLAJA TAK!!'. (ZURA!!!STUDYING OR NOT?!)haha. It was 12 noon and still, im in bed. Im sorry to have ignored your messages and went back to slp. Mum jolly well knew that i have so called study 'thingy' that noon and without hesitation, she yelled and as expected, i woke up. I texted Tqah to come over to my house since my butt was too heavy to get up and travel to school. hehe. Poor her.

We studied Graphic Design and Hell, we only managed to cover up week 1 ONLY for the 4 hours. haha. In between time, we ate 'Lunch', drank coffee, solving Mysteries, Putting puzzle together, camwhoring and finding the difference between us. haha. Still, we studied. =) Good Job.

Here's the pic.

The mind map that i did.
See, tqah busying doing other thing. (haha. She studied more than me lah)

WRAP...NOW, at MCR CONCERT. Enjoy lah korang eh.. haiz.. Sista,Sista... asal korang suker kumpulan yang aku tak minat langsung. Takperlah. hahah! ENJOY LAH EH! =) XMAS KUA!!!!!!!!!!!Zezimah Zazeh!! =D

Ok. Next, I love my sister DAMN Much. (So is my bro lah. )
Ok here's the pic. Haiz. I WANNA GO SHOPPING. pls pls pls... I wanna go take pic with Xmas Tree!pls pls pls. We NEVER miss to take PIX with it. .Haiz.
*SINGAPORE YG LIONS! What telah Happened!!!*
[Jgn main2x .. semangat SEA game berkobar2x oi! haha. takper, I'll Support from the Front. hehe]

Take Care Ppl! ENJOY!


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