I've been bugged by this Virus known as 'Friendship'. Everywhere i go, every step i take, it kept on following me. It's like a shadow that actually follows closely to me, just that, it happened to be in different forms of shapes, sizes, or length.
Every blog that i went to read RANDOMLY, happened to have posts or entries about what you called, Friendship. Its a HOT topic now ok? Not totally for me at least, but still, i guess i have to be a lil Update on what's happening around campus.
As far as i DON'T know, a single Expressions or what you would say gesture, in actually fact is one of the main problem and main cause that led to Friendship Dispute. Unexpectedly, it put me to a state where i should sit down and think real hard (not that hard cause i wouldn't even care much) about it and, finally. i find it totally absurd talking about it again and again.
An extract from the horizon:
*"i dont wish to have anyone to sacrifice deeds for me because you know you will not be rewarded by oneself or other party". I guess, its ridiculous. Still, i hope these people appreciate what have been given to them even if they want to close and eye after what they get.
*"conscience with a mix of hate and disgust to part the people, revamping each minds".
Firstly, we are all humans. We can't deny the fact that all of us have feelings. There are more that 1001 types of feeling. It's just,do you know which feelings suits you best. Our mind and body is like a template.You get to fill it with the color you want. If you fill in the wrong color, you destroy the whole template. If you are smart enough to mix the color, expect an unexpected outcome. If you fill in the right color, there's always template which have a better results and greater inner value. But, this color DOESN'T shows the specific code-feeling-color.SO, don't assume. Ask the artist himself.
If we keep looking back on the friendships we use to have, we will never know the people who awaits for you in the future. We will keep moving backward while people are leaping forward. Move on and on.
WE are all grown up.
It's time to think for YOUR future. Don't think what people do to you, its time to do a reverse psychology. Think about what you have done to people.
Friendships disputes? Being neglected? Lonesome? Subgroups? Apart? Abandon?Hated? BESTFRIEND?
Society Is Cruel.
Keep that in mind.
You don't get what you want cause this isn't a fairy tale world.
Karma does exist.
Those noob, would eventually be dopest of all.
Those who's greedy would soon lose out.
Those who's sincere will always be the bestest man found.
Once you start. There's no u-turn. It will still be right in front of your face.
Thank you.
SMILE. <3>
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