Monday, January 29, 2007

'We ride, we ride' This song keep playing in my mind. Therefore i've decided to put it on my blog. Ibro, wadever u say lah. " This song not gd lah, that song not gd lah." BLUIK. I listen to song that Suits my mood.

Being sick was terrible. Super duper terrible. Adding on to the bad toothache i had earlier, 'wooow' if you can endure it, you'll easily won the title of "The winner of The survivor" bla bla bla. It's painful. Those who are in my position, u know what i mean. I bet Atie knows it. Ibro, We'll find a job soon yea. Sorry for the delay.

Fine, let me just do a short recap of all the fun that i had despite the pain...

Fam, uncles joe and Farhan went down to the stadium to support The LIONS. Im Proud to be one of the 55K ppl aka as the 12th man of the SG FC Team. The crowd was fantastic. Only when you were there.. you can feel the true spirits of SG-an. The team did well and yea, thnx to all the supporters!The Kallang Roar Rock Big Time.wehehe! My voice became MORE super ROCK after losing voice due to my sore throat. But it was great. AWESOMELY POWER to be precise. The guys next to us was so "WHAT THE HELL" haha. You can see 'gentleman's' true etiquette when you are there. They may appear, manly, handsome, smart, and cheeky but, when it comes to whistle ...haha, you can hear them "STAND TOGETHER AND SHOUT"..VULGAR.haha. Even the young ones did it. There was part when the Mlaysian sang, 'Malaysia Boleh, Malaysia Boleh' and after the word boleh, they would reply 'balik and jalan'. Haha. Since i wasn't feeling tt well, i sat down and SMILE.haha.AIFAH, you went and sat OPPOSITE sgt lah. Hoping for the best this wed. 'ole ole ole ole!'.


Went out with atie and Ibro to NAFA. But due to the time constraint, plan failed. We made up last min plan but it turned out OK. More thing to say but, i've got no energy to type.

Here's the pic.

I like this pic Best. =P
Have Fun Bebes n Hunks. Peace.


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